Saturday, December 1, 2012

Caroline Jane~ Five Months

I got closer to a smile this time! I have so much trouble taking pictures in our basement with no natural light against a black chalk board wall.  So, when I play around with the settings, I miss the smiles and get a good exposure or I get a great smile with a terrible exposure.  Oh well!  This time she kept falling over and laughing. 

Caroline Jane, at five months you:
  • weigh about 18 pounds.
  • drink 6oz bottles, about five times a day. 
  • are sleeping a little bit better!  You now wake up only once or twice between 7pm and 5am.  I can usually put your pacifier back in and then you go right back to sleep.  After 5am though, it's harder to get you back to sleep.  I think I'll give you until 6 months before I stop coming in to replace your pacifier.  Get ready, girl!
  • no longer have to wear your DOC band!  You are so much happier without it.  And so is Momma!
  • are fitting best in 9 month clothes.  You can still fit in some 6 month clothes but 9 month is definitely the best fit.
  • are finally starting to put some weight on your legs.  I know I shouldn't compare you and your brother but he was supporting his weight on his legs when he was just a few weeks old.  You are just now putting any weight on your legs.  I don't think you'll be hitting any physical milestones early, sweet girl.
  • are not enjoying the car like you used to.  If you aren't sleeping, you're crying.  It makes car rides no fun.
  • are liking the exersaucer.  You still don't play with toys in front of you but you look at them and smile.
  • blow raspberries constantly. 
  • have two teeth! 
  • have tried oatmeal cereal and you like it but still have a hard time keeping much in your mouth.  You open your mouth really wide but you push most of it back out with your tongue.  We'll keep practicing!
We all love you so much sweet girl.

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