Monday, April 20, 2015


Sunday and Monday of Spring Break were spent at the Dells.  Our hotel room was a double suite that we shared with my parents.  The kids were giddy and ready for the fun.

We got our suits on as soon as we got there and swam for 3 hours.  There were slides, a wave pool, lazy river, and a kid area that had its own lazy river.

After 3 hours the kids had hit a wall and were hungry.  We decided our best option was eating at the buffet and it was so, so good!  We did a little arcade play after Nana begged Papa for tokens and then hit the bed early.  And sharing a hotel room with young kids is not pleasant.  Charley snores like an old man and sleeps best when she is parallel to the headboard.  Great.
Bryan had a conference call first thing that morning but then we headed back to the pool.  Jackson was so brave and rode a big tube slide with us but then politely declined all future offers.  He wasn't a fan.  After another full couple hours of swimming we got lunch and headed home.
We were only at Kalahari for about 28 hours but we had a blast and Spring Break was just one day in!  So exciting!

Bad Outfits, Breakfast Egg Hunts, and Birthday Parties

I was just scrolling through my phone and realized I have SO MANY photos to update! This will will be the week of blogging!

These pictures are so random but I wasn't to document them so we can remember later! Thursday mornings are my time to workout.  I take a 6:30 am class and Bryan takes the kids to school.  He is great at this but he struggles with doing Charley's hair and sometimes her outfits.  This was one of those days.  She was wearing a dress and yoga pants!  With tennis shoes!  She doesn't care though.  She loves school.

We had a blast with our Small Group friends at a wine tasting on Friday night.  We have had someone from Wines For Humanity come to a couple tastings and it's always a good time.  As long as they start with the white wines, I don't mind the driest reads as much at the end. The kids had a blast playing with their friends.
The very next morning (way back in March) was an egg hunt I organized for some friends.  The egg hints in Naperville are completely crazy.  The parents pick up their kids and carry them to the biggest eggs!  No thank you!  We loved our low key egg hunt at the park with donuts.  It was the start of a new tradition.
Right after the egg hunt we headed to a birthday party for our "Chick-Fil-A Friends."  We met them in the play place in Chick-Fil-A and hit it off!  Their daughter Emmy is so adorable. Those glasses and curls!  Emmy turned 4 and her younger brother Jackson is 2.

This was the weekend before Speing Break and my parents were in town.  We dropped the kids off at My Gym on Saturday night and headed out for a nice dinner.  Sunday morning we headed to Kalahari which will be the next post! Soon!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Catching Up!

I started this post two weeks ago.  I'm not sure where the time went.  I'm just going to finish this one and post a new update later in the week.

I was feeling so motivated and productive yesterday until our washing machine broke.  While taking the clothes to the laundromat was a pain, it was nice to do all the laundry in two hours.  
Jackson still has the biggest sweet tooth ever but he becomes more enjoyable alll the time as he continues to age and better understands how the world works.
He loves this chalkboard and especially loves it when I make a calendar for him for the month.
Charley had a follow up with her pulmonologist who we absolutely love.  He is the kindest, gentlest man.  She is such a good girl at the doctor and is way too familiar with the pulse oximeter and stethoscopes.
We had a big milestone moment in the family.  JJ made it through a Chicago Fire game.  He hates them because he doesn't like the loud stadium and he's terrified of fireworks when they score. He was so brave that night and he even ended with smiles!
Charley loved the whole thing.  She's always up for fun!
She has changed so much lAtely but she still is attached to her lovey. I'm in no rush for her to get rid of it because Jackson just became less and less attached to his and hasn't asked about it in months.  I'm sure Charley will do the same when she's ready.
Any chance I get I sneak over to Meredith's house to snuggle baby Lucy.  Shes simply the best!
Charley was going to the store with me and as I was getting ready to leave, she gathered her things to take to the store.  I talked her into leaving the giant Tonka truck at home.
I am still loving my Project Life app for Scrapbooking on my phone.  It is so hard to keep up with Scrapbooking and the blog with the everyday life demands so I look for the easist way possible.  I was able to create the spread below on our way home from the game.
I promise not to let two months go by again! Another update will be posted soon!