Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Terrified Rambling

I have to be honest!  I am terrified to have Charley arrive!  I really have no idea how I am going to take care of two kids.  Jackson is so trying right now and I feel like Charley is coming when his behavior is worse than it's ever been.  I know it's nothing new for toddlers but everything is fight.  He wakes up in the morning and begs for one thing for breakfast so I get it for him.  I set it at the table and he throws himself on the floor and screams "NO!" like I just served him snakes for breakfast.  What the heck!?!?!  It's so frustrating!

Poor Bryan has had to put up with a lot from me.  I am no fun to be around I know it.  I really am so lucky to have him because he does so much to help. He vacuumed and mopped the other day and does all of the physical Jackson duties when he's home on the weekends.  Thank God for him!  Jackson and I might both be dead without him.

I have to keep reminding myself that I won't be pregnant when Charley comes.  I keep picturing myself at 37 weeks pregnant, with 2 hours of sleep, wrestling a screaming toddler with a hungry baby crying in the background.  Taking out the pregnant part will at least make the wrestling easier!

I had my 37 week appointment and the doctor told me he would be surprised if I make it to my due date.  I'll spare everyone the details of my cervix but I have made some progress over the last week!  We'll see!  The one thing I do realize this time around is that no matter how hard the newborn phase is (especially combined with the toddler phase) and as long as the days seem, it all goes by so fast.

One Month
22 Months
The saying "The days are long but the years are short" couldn't be more true!

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