Thursday, November 25, 2010

So Thankful!

We have a lot to be thankful for this year! It's amazing how much love we have for this little guy. These are his three month professional pictures.

His hair is so interesting. It definitely is looking more red in the sunlight. We hope you all havea wonderful Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jackson is 4 months old!

I really can't believe he's already four months old. I can tell this first year is going to fly by! He really wasn't in the mood to smile for this month's shoot but you can tell he's getting bigger. I forgot that I fed him right before these pictures and didn't think about it being a bad idea to put him on his belly. Notice the picture of the spit up mess. Ooops.

I love, love, love those baby rolls!

Jackson, at fourth months you are:

  • 15 pounds (50th %).
  • 26 inches long (75th%).
  • rolling over...sometimes.
  • getting many comments about your crazy hair.
  • dazzling people with your big blue eyes.
  • talking alot. Daddy always asks if all babies are as loud as you.
  • teasing mommy and daddy with your sleep. You went for a whole week sleeping around 10 hours a night. It was short lived though.
  • sucking on your hands all the time. Sometimes your fingers gag you.
  • taking better naps in your crib.
  • reaching out for toys and putting them in your mouth.
  • love watching football with Daddy. For some reason it seems to calm you when you are fussy.
  • a great running partner. You don't even cry in the stroller on the long runs. You rode for 11 miles with no tears.
  • are very, very loved!

You are amazing sweet boy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rolling Over!!!

Jackson is rolling over! He rolled from tummy to back on Wednesday, October 20th. Bryan was home to see it too! We thought it was a fluke so we turned him back over and he did it again. He has done it a few more times since then but it is definitely not a regularly occuring event yet.
Then, on Wednesday, November 3rd, he rolled from his back to his tummy. This one he hasn't done since and his arm is still kind of stuck underneath him. I'm not sure if I should count it as an official back to tummy roll. What do you think?
He looks a little perplexed by his new skills.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Cradle Talk Friends

This is Macy, Lukas, Jackson, and Molly. They are Cradle Talk friends. We had a play date, mostly for the mommies, at our house last week. The four babies had a good time and all the moms enjoyed some conversation.
Jackson was trying to make the moves on Molly!
I think this is Molly politely declining.
The next day was our Cradle Talk Halloween party! Jackson was a monkey. I couldn't get a picture without his hands in his mouth.
Everyone brought a treat to share. We had quite the spread.
Here are Macy, Lukas, Jackson, and Molly all dress up. Macy was a lamb, Lukas a dragon, and Molly was a bear.
Tommy, the giraffe, showed up a little later.
This is all the three to six month old babies dressed up for the party.

The Cradle Talk nurses are not very strict about when you have to stop coming so there are some babies who are closer to 8 months. I bet we will try to go as long as possible too. We love it!

Pumpkin Patch

Sonny Acres Farm is a great pumpkin patch fairly close to home. It is such a fun place to go and it will be even better, and definitely more expensive, when Jackson gets older. Here is our first Sonny Acres family picture.

Everyone was looking at me for propping my baby up for this picture. I guess they thought the corn stalks didn't look very comfortable. Jackson was really excited. Can't you tell?
This is my favorite part! Every year when we go back we will be able to pose in front of this to see how big he is getting!
Meredith and Kyle came along for the fun too. That night they watched Jackson while Bryan and I went to Hugo's for my birthday.
All the action was enough to wipe the boy out.
I can't wait to go back next year!