Oh my goodness. Here is is final calendar photoshoot. Thank goodness! These were getting harder and harder. I am planning on continuing the montly updates though because it's a great way to record everything he's doing and it changes so much at this age.
- 21 pounds and 1 ounce. That's in the 25th percentile.
- 30.3 inches tall. That's the 65th perfectile.
- still stuffing a lot of brains in your head. It is a little under 19 inches in circumference. That's the 82nd percentile.
- calling everything "Dada." When we ask you to say Mama you say Dada again or just stick out your tongue and blow a raspberry.
- eating a lot of table foods. Your favorite is still yogurt and mommy still has a hard time getting you to eat vegetables unless they are pureed.
- cruising along everywhere as long as you don't have to let go.
- not a risk taker. Mommy tries to get you to take a few steps but even if you only have to travel a very small distance, you still drop down to crawl.
- loving the pool. You like to swim in the big pool the best. It is a zero entry pool so that's your favorite place. You make a lot of friends there because you crawl straight towards all the women sitting in their chairs in the water.
- not liking to get your face wet. You still have a hard time going under water and you open your mouth every time. You are starting to hate bath time too and try to climb out as soon as we get your hair wet.
- becoming a bit more hesitant when someone other than Mommy or Daddy holds you. You get a little scared look on your face but you usually don't cry.
- very pleasant in the church nursery. All the volunteers get so excited when you come in. Mommy likes to see what you are doing when we come and get you. You are usually playing on the floor with a toy all by yourself.
- watching Mommy use sign language but are not using any yourself. You usually just laugh at Mommy.
- FINALLY not getting any bottles during the night! Mommy thought you would take a long time to stop waking up for the early morning bottle but it only took three nights. Your normal night is from 6:45 until 6:30 the next morning. That's good news because Momma needs her sleep!
- getting long hair that is starting to curl at the ends. It's so sweet. Mommy and Daddy debate about how long your hair should be. We kind of like it long. It's your signature look because most babies don't have so much hair.
- not working on any new teeth. You still have 8! Or nine, depending on how you count your front tooth. You, silly boy, grew TWO teeth where only one should be. Don't worry though! Mommy and Daddy are saving money for your braces some day. :)
We love you little man!
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