I was really excited that Jackson't first birthday happened to fall on a Saturday. I was so fun to celebrate on his actual birthday with our family and friends. Both sets of grandparents as well as Uncle Mike were able to make the trip. They all arrived on Friday, we had some nice chats and a yummy dinner at Luigi's and then I forced them all to help me prepare the party. :)
Really, I don't know what I would have done without them. I thought that I had done a lot to prepare, which I had, but there was still so much to do that couldn't be done early. It was really fun to decorate though! I had to promise Bryan that I wouldn't do this for every birthday.
I ordered the banner and labels for the picture pots from a site on etsy. They were perfect! I picked up 15 helium balloons on Friday and it took me no fewer than 15 minutes to try and shove them all in the back of our Rav 4. It was comical...to everyone but me. They are hard to see but along the mantel were pictures of Jackson from every month.
I had to figure out a way to use all the wooden numbers I had painted for his calendar pictures so they ended up as centerpieces. I made the tissue pom poms to hang from the light as a little something extra.
This was our sweets table. Jackson's smash cake was the big cupcake in the middle. Thanks for the pan Aunt Monica! Then there were pretzel sticks and cupcakes for the party guests.

This picture of Jackson was taken at 11:30. His party started at 11:00. Silly boy was going to nap right through it! I always love it when babies sleep with their bum in the air and I have never seen Jackson do it. This is how I found him that day though. It must have been his gift to me for being his momma for a whole year!
We are so lucky to have so many friends in this same stage of life. Actually, what's really amazing is that didn't know any of the people in this picture a year ago. I met them all, just the moms and babies, at Cradle Talk. We have become great friends! We had one busy living room!
I don't have any pictures of his cake eating yet. They are on Mimi and Grandpa's camera. I'll post those, as well as some other decoration pictures, when I get them.
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