We are so lucky to have Mimi and Grandpa who are so lucky to have Kyle and Sue who are so lucky to have a cottage in Pentwater, Michigan. It is the cutest little town along Lake Michigan about halfway (maybe? I could be very wrong) up the east side of the lake. They built the cottage a few years ago and it is a very relaxing place to spend a few days. We loved it. Thanks for inviting us Mimi and Grandpa!
On our first full day there we went to lunch at a dairy. The smell of Jackson's diapers fit in well there. We enjoyed our delicious sandwiches, a bottomless cup of milk, and spending some quality time with the cows.
We stopped at the cutest little bakery along the road for some caramel apple pie and rhubarb pie.
The lighting made for some good pictures. :) Love my little buddy.
Isn't it the cutest?
When we got home JJ spent some time in the swing with Mimi. This kid loves to swing!
Then we played on the trampoline. He LOVED it! See?
Then Mommy's bottom got wet as she got off the trampoline! We brought lots of extra clothes though.
Before bath time I decided to see how he would like the sandbox. He doesn't like to have dirty hands so I was interested in how he would do. He was very serious in there but he seemed to enjoy him self. The bath water was DIRTY at then end of day 1!
On our second full day there we went to the market in town (Grandpa stayed home with JJ so he could nap (which really meant scream for two hours and then finally fall asleep right before we were supposed to leave for lunch). I woke him up after an hour and we headed to a fish house that is amazing. You pick your fish and they fry it there for you. We took in to a park across the street and had a nice picnic. JJ enjoyed his fried whitefish.
After a delicious fish lunch we went to the beach. The water was COLD but we had a great time! That's our group in the top right. JJ's headed over to make friends with some neighbors. ;)
After some not very good nights of sleep, I was ready to get him to his own bed by our last day. Could we please take JJ's entire nursury to Pentwater next time???
Thanks Kyle and Sue for a great few days. The hospitality was amazing, as always!