I'm late again. Really late this time. But at least there's only one more. I can't believe I've been doing monthly updates for 47 months and in just one more I won't have a baby anymore. Eeeeek!
Caroline Jane, at twenty three months you:
- are still saying more and more words. You repeat almost everything we say. Your favorite thing to say is "yeah." Mommy realizes she asks you way too many yes or no questions.
- love to be outside and riding bikes. You ask for your "hat" and then you straddle your bike and walk it back and forth along the sidewalk. Silly girl.
- rode your first carnival ride. You were actually an inch too short but Mommy snuck you in to a super safe car and you LOVED it.
- love blowing bubbles. You want to do it yourself but you stick the bubble wand in your mouth.
- can go up and down the stairs all by yourself. You get really mad if anyone tries to touch you.
- had your first haircut. You were such a good girl and sat so still.
- are still a great eater. You love fruits and some veggies and always ask for "muck" instead of milk. You won't drink chocolate milk or juice. A complete opposite of your brother.
- are getting really interested in potty training. You ask to sit on the potty but haven't done anything yet.
- are slimming down and Mommy gets so many comments about how your face is changing and you don't look like a baby anymore. Slow down, girlie!!
We love you so much! One more month until you're two!!!

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