A couple weekends ago we had ourselves quite an adventure. Saturday morning we did a lot of
child corralling yard work. I edged the big back beds and then Bryan and I cleaned up all the big dirt chunks. That night we had some friends come over to grill.
The next morning we had a babysitter come over so Bryan and I could run the Merrel Down And Dirty Mud Run. I wasn't at all excited about the idea after running a tough race a couple weeks before. I actually hadn't run once in the three weeks between the two races. But, the race was so fun! We met another couple there and had a blast. It was a 3 mile run with about 10 obstacles along the way. The first obstacle was a giant mud pit so the fear of getting dirty wash addressed right from the beginning. We climbed rope ladders, scaled wooden ladder walls, carried bags of sand, and all sorts of other fun! The hills were intense. I was huffing and puffing big time. The photos of me don't make it look like I had fun. I take the WORST exercising photos. THE WORST! Bryan looked good though. Here are a couple bad ones of me but there are about 20 more that are worse.

When we got home from the race Jackson was acting kind of funny. We weren't really sure what was going on. Then he told me that he jumped off his changing table and hurt his arm. He wasn't crying. He was just really quiet and sat in front of the tv for two hours! We thought maybe he was just mad at us for leaving him with a sitter or he was scared to go to the Chicago Fire game that we planned to go to later that day.
We decided to try the game anyway and give him some time to see if there was really a problem. He was scared as we went into the game because it's loud and he doesn't like sitting up high. Overall he did great though. And of course Charley went along for the ride.
It was pretty obvious something still wasn't right though. He would cry when I asked him to reach up for something. I was specifically asking him to do certain things to test it out. As we left the stadium we decided we should take him to urgent care. Bryan dropped us off and we got in right away. The doctor could feel some asymmetry right away and ordered an x-ray. Jackson was SO good for it all. He was brave and patient and really cooperative. What a sweet boy.
It took about .03 seconds to see that his clavicle was broken. Luckily it was a midline fracture so it would heal nicely on its own. We were sent home with a sling and orders to see an orthopedic doctor. It took until Friday to get that appointment but that doctor said everything seemed fine and he just wants to get another x-ray in a few weeks to check the healing progress.
Overall, the whole process has been pretty easy. The hardest part is keeping him from re-injuring it as he runs around like a crazy man!
Bryan and I got into bed on Sunday night and both let out a giant sigh. It was such a long, crazy weekend!