Dear Jackson,
On January 9th you turned three and a half years old. It doesn't seem possible that you are so close to FOUR! My, oh my, is your personality blooming. You have very definite opinions and you know exactly what you want. You can be the sweetest boy and you can make Mommy and Daddy want to pull their hair out too. You can be pretty funny too! You love to make people laugh, especially Charley!
Charley thinks you are the best big brother and most of the time you like her too. Now that she is much more mobile, you can get very frustrated by her and take her toys and yell at her. You say "No, Cholly!"
You are loving playing games like Hungry Hungry Hippo and matching card games. You "play" Mario with daddy and you get so excited when he gets stars. Your love for DVDs has morphed a bit. You are still really interested in sign language but now you mostly just want to sort and stack your DVDs and cases. Your favorite shows are Paw Patrol, Bubble Guppies, and Mickey Mouse. Your favorite music is Laurie Berkner and Raffi.
Now that mommy is back to work you are taking naps! You sleep about 2 hours at school each day. You go to bed around 8:00 and we wake you up for school around 6:15. Bedtime has been so difficult lately. You will do anything to prolong the process. We put on pajamas, brush your teeth, read a book, read your Bible, then your bed time book, and then the Mommy Loves You song in one of many variations. Then you try to delay it more by requesting different toys to be in your bed with you. It wears me out but I know this phase will pass and I'll miss the extra time with you.
You make us laugh every day and we are lucky to have you as such a healthy and happy boy. Your dancing, singing, and performances keep us smiling. We love you so much, Buddy! Happy 3.5!
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