The months are flying by! I have to (and hate to) admit that these posts are a little harder to do now that I am not with the kids 24/7. Her teachers are great about keeping me in the loop though. We are so ready for Thanksgiving break! Just a few weeks.

Caroline Jane, at sixteen months you:
- are just starting to pull on things to a stand. You are just so wobbly and won't take a risk at all. You are pretty content right where you are.
- can walk holding on to Mommy and Daddy's fingers. You don't like to walk with just one finger though. It's still a bit unstable for you.
- love, love, love using a fork. And you are really good at it. You cry in your high chair sometimes and Mommy used to think you were done. Then you just cried more. Once Mommy realized you just wanted a fork, you were a happy girl!
- are sleeping much better again. You usually sleep all night. You are taking a 1.5 to 2 hour nap at day care.
- are spending more and more time in the Toddler room at school. One day Mommy picked you up from that room at snack time and you were sitting on a little chair at the table. You looked like such a big girl.
- love dogs. Especially Claire. If you are really upset, we can call Claire over and she makes you laugh every time.
- love Jackson. He loves to play games with you and tickle you. You think he is the best person on earth.
- take a lot of medicine. You take Zyrtec every night for your allergies as well as a Nasonex, a nasal spray. You also take one nebulizer treatment of Pulmicort each night. Mommy is hoping it keeps your lungs healthy so you don't get sick as often.
- are not making much progress with your speech but you keep signing new things and show us all the time that you understand what we are saying. You follow directions so well. Almost all of your words are some form of "Ba" except or "Mama." You can sign more, milk, please, thank you, and all done.
- get so many compliments on how long your hair is getting. It is really long but it gets tangled really easily. You always wake up with a huge knot in the back of it from rolling all over your bed at night. Mommy usually puts in in a ponytail or two piggies. When Mommy puts a bow in your hair you usually pull it out in the car. And your shoes and socks. All of those things are thrown all over the car.
- make Mommy and Daddy so, so happy.
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