I am a week and a half late with this but I am determined to keep up Charley's monthly updates until she's two, even if it means I'm up all night getting them done!
Caroline Jane, at fourteen months you:- are CRAWLING!! Real crawling with your hands and knees instead of just army crawling. Most kids are walking or well on their way by now but you are taking your sweet time. You still don't even try to walk when we hold your hands and try to pull you along.
- are getting very loud. You say a few things including mama, bye-bye, hi, and ball but mostly you are just LOUD. You like the sound of your voice.
- started going to day care! Mommy got a teaching job so you spend the day with your teachers at La Petite. You are doing really well there.
- are taking two naps a day. Mommy doesn't know your patterns as much right now since your teachers are with you so much but they always let me know how your day goes. You are napping about an hour, twice a day.
- are still a great eater but you are getting pickier. You still love fruits and vegetables. Canned carrots and green beans are your favorites!
- have SIXTEEN teeth. I think all the teeth you will be getting for a while are in. Thank goodness. Those suckers hurt.
- weigh 25 pounds! Mommy the took you to the doctor when you had a cough and was shocked to see you weighed that much!
- can wear the sweetest pigtails. Mommy and Daddy have different preferences for where they are on your head. Mommy likes them low and Daddy likes them high. Sometimes we just leave your hair down too. You like to pull out the rubber bands and bows so down is easier!
- have the sweetest curls in all the land.
- LOVE animas, especially dogs. You laugh every time you see a dog either in real life or in a book.
- are getting more and more curious. Now that you are crawling, you like to explore everything!
- are so, so loved!
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