Caroline Jane, at thirteen months you:
- have started army crawling. FINALLY!! It's so weird to not have a baby moving all over the place. You're just always pretty content right where you are. Mommy puts your snacks across the room to make you crawl to them. You are pulling up on your knees and showing much more interest in getting around.
- are starting to get a little pickier with your eating. If you are eating something you really like, you leave the other stuff on your tray hoping Mommy will give you more of the good stuff. You still grunt and moan when you eat.
- are getting a little naughty sometimes. You love feeding food to Claire and don't really care that Mommy tells you no.
- are teething and it's really bothering you. Your canine teeth are coming in and you have been so fussy and harder to put to bed. Sometimes it takes three or four attempts to get you to bed which is so unusual for you.
- have the best laugh. Everyone loves to tickle you because your laugh is just so great!
- were talking more right after your birthday party but you haven't been saying as much lately. You still say Mama and bye-bye fairly regularly.
- get so many comments about your hair! It's really getting long now and can get a bit unruly. Mommy likes to put it in pigtails with two little bows but you rip those out all the time.
- love your brother so much. He makes you laugh daily. :)
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