Dear Jackson,
I cannot believe that you are three years old! I feel like it was just yesterday that we were bringing you home from the hospital and so scared because we had no idea what we were doing. Truth be told, we still don't! But luckily we just do our best each day and you seem to be growing up to be a pretty great kid.
You are really getting a great sense of humor. You love to joke with Daddy and me and ask us silly questions. One of your silliest is asking us if we are Barack Obama. When we say , "Noooooo" you laugh and laugh. You and Charley really love to laugh together too. The best sounds in the world come from the back seat when you are making silly faces in the back seat with each other and you are both belly laughing!
You are one very strong-willed and stubborn child! You want things your way immediately when you want them. Daddy and I get frustrated because sometimes you get so mad that we just have to go home. We try to take you fun places but many times they are just too overwhelming for you right now. For instance, Daddy really wants to take you to sporting events but usually the loud announcers scare you and if there are fireworks, you are terrified! Someday you will be able to go with Daddy and have a great time.
You talk all the time and just have so much to say. You have an extensive vocabulary and we just look at each other and shake our heads when we hear some of the things you come up with. Currently you are saying something I think is the cutest. When something is hurting you, you look at it and say, "Stop ouching me!" Another thing you say makes us laugh every time. I played a Raffi album and you heard The More We Get Together. Because of the way it is sung, you call it Moooooore Together. It's so funny to hear you drag out that word every time you ask for it.

Music and dancing are still your favorite things. Most everything you do somehow revolves around music. When a good song comes on from one of your shows, you frequently stop what you're doing and say, "I just need to go dance right now." Many of your friends are girls and you have such a good time dressing up in their princess clothes. Daddy cringes a little bit but we all think it's pretty cute how much you love to dress up. Especially the shoes! When we have a big play date, you get a little overwhelmed and play by yourself in another room. You get really quiet and act so differently around big groups of people.
You are so independent when you go to school, church, or the gym. You know your teachers and hardly look back when we drop you off. You just go in and start playing! You show a lot of concern when others in your classes are upset. You don't want anyone to be upset.
Potty training is still of no interest to you. I ask you all the time if you want to try to go on the potty but you always say no. Sometimes you'll sit on the toilet but nothing happens. I have to keep reminding myself that you will eventually be potty trained. Eventually.
Right after your birthday we switched you to your big boy bed. The crib is gone and you are loving your big boy bed! You even took a nap in it today which is something that very rarely happens. You go to bed around 7pm and get up early! Usually it's around 6:30 but sometimes it's as early as 5:45am. I can't get myself out of bed that early so you just read books and play in your room until I come get you around 7am. You go to your room every day for rest time but you very rarely nap. You could really use the sleep too! You are a grump so often. :)
Sweet boy, you have made our lives so much happier because we get to be your Mommy and Daddy. You make us laugh all the time and we love you so much. Charley is a lucky girl to have you as her big brother. We love you soooo much.