Thursday, June 13, 2013

Today is Different

This week for our family has been pretty rough.  Bryan has worked a TON and has had a big migraine, we spent $1,000 on a new water heater, my back has been killing me, and now Charley is sick.
Poor girl has a fever and a terrible cough.  She is always so happy but today she just cries and moans.  I just hate feeling so helpless.  And tired.  She does not want to sleep away from Mommy!

Meanwhile, Jackson is taking full advantage of mom's attention being directed elsewhere.  He is obsessed with DVDs and its not really about watching them.  He likes to stack them, sort them, line them up, etc.  I got the basket down and had to go rock Charley.  When I came back downstairs, this is what I found!
What a silly kid.  Hopefully we'll be on the mend soon!  We have a busy week next week with Charley's first birthday and Meredith and Kyle's wedding.  

We're headed to the doctor soon to see what she thinks.

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