Man! Apparently it's been a couple weeks since I updated. We've been so busy that each day goes by in a blur and before I know it, 15 days have passed. I'm just going to post a lot of pictures here as a big recap. The pictures go all the back to Easter so good luck. You may want to go get a 5 Hour Energy drink before continuing.
Easter: Sharon was with us and we had a great day. These are the eggs that we colored and Jackson was pretty pumped about them.
Charley was sick so she and I stayed home and had breathing treatments. I was sad she missed her first Easter at church.
We went to the zoo on the day that it was supposed to be "warm." We were FREEZING! The polar bear didn't seem to mind.
This picture captures just how ornery Jackson has been lately. He gets in here and then he can't get out on his own. Oh my goodness he is giving me a run for my money!
We had a Naperville Area Moms play date at Bounce Town a couple weeks ago. Charley liked to bounce on the inflatables while JJ ran all over like a crazy man.
I'm not sure what day this was but I found him like this after naptime. He usually just plays in his room with books or puzzles but he's been falling asleep more lately. This time it happened to be with an arm out of his shirt.
It has been so fun to watch them interact more. He loves making her laugh and giving her hugs. He also likes to rip toys out of her hand and declare them as his. :(
Bryan and I try to make time for date nights but sometimes they happen at home after bedtime. Fondue is one of our favorite home dates. We do a cheese course, a meat course, and dessert. It's a quiet, peaceful, two hour dinner.
Bryan is playing softball this spring and we crashed one of their practices. Jackson's friend Jacob was with us because I was watching him while his dad practiced too.
Last week I saw a post on Facebook about running 4.09 miles. This was right after Boston. I thought it sounded like a great idea so I did the same. I had to take a couple breaks but I was good to get it done. I watched 19 Kids and Counting and tried out my new running shoes.
Last weekend we went to Kansas City for a quick trip. Bryan had a conference so the kids and I went with my parents to a kids' museum called Wonderscope. They had different pretend play in each room. Jackson loved it. He loved the garden room a lot but it turns out it wasn't his favorite room.
His favorite room was the baby room. He wore the stethoscope and took such good care of the babies. What a sweet boy.
Charley even practiced her baby care skills.
We also went to visit my Grandpa. This boy really loved climbing on Grandpa's big lawn mower.
That night we went to the Alexander's house for dinner and a fire. It was so fun! Melody and Staci gave the kids clown ice cream cones. Jackson didn't quite know how to attack his but he enjoyed trying.
Papa went inside early with Charley. I tried putting her down in the pack n play but she wasn't having it. Papa was the perfect sleep inducer.
And Jackson completely worm himself out. I changed his diaper and clothes without him waking up.
Now we're back home and Jackson is loving the warm weather. His current obsession is collecting rocks. He's been pretty fascinated.
Trips to the grocery store are quite the chore but it's getting easier. With a bagel for the kids and bribes of fish sightings and mechanical pony rides, we make it through.
We had our NAM play date at Addison's house this week. He looks great in dress up clothes. He wore those high heels the whole time we were there.
We're still taking music classes and Jackson's favorite person continues to be Miss Caryn. Especially when she plays the guitar. He wanted a front row seat for this song.
I really have to keep my eye on him at home because he is such a sneak now! I was vacuuming the other day and when I finished I noticed the sliding doors to the back yard were open. Luckily we have a fence because he let himself out there to dig in the dirt. Pantless and with shoes on the wrong feet.
Friday night we had a fun Gender Reveal party for a friend. Her appointment wasn't until 4pm and our gathering was at 7pm. It required a quick turnaround since the ultrasound tech didn't call me with the baby news until 5pm. I had already made a pink cake and blue cake so I just needed to know which one to ice. It was so fun. And BLUE was the answer.
And finally another picture of Charley. Eating. Because that and sleeping are two of her best skills. This was taco night and she was in heaven.
And that is our life the last few weeks. If you made it to the end, you deserve a special treat! Up next is Charley's 10 month post.
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