Friday, March 8, 2013


We got a big snow storm on Tuesday.  They cancelled school which is rare around here.  It was so pretty though and the kids Jackson had a lot of fun in it.  We were so excited he actually touched the snow because usually we spend 20 minutes getting ready, he takes one step outside and freaks out and we have to come in.  Super annoying.  But, he did great on Tuesday!

Also, I had a photography class on Saturday so I am reeeaally trying to stay out of automatic mode on my camera.   All these photos were taken in manual mode so I controlled the shutter speed and aperature.  I was pretty happy with the way they turned out.  These are right out of the camera because I don't know how to edit them yet.  I do other crafty stuff in Photoshop.  Plus, I hardly have time to get them on the blog.  If I had to edit all the pictures before posting I would be 5 months behind. 

Here are some pictures.  The snow was coming down steadily from about 9am until midnight.  We got both kids ready and plopped Charley in the exersaucer.
Claire was in the back yard having the time of her life.

 Sometimes you're a polar bear in an exersaucer.  She looks really happy about it too....
 But she was a good sport as always.
 Especially when I took her out and plopped her in the snow.  Sidenote:  It's kind of hard to take photos of a baby dressed in white, sitting in a pile of white, while more white is falling from the sky.  Again, because she's the best baby ever she sat there while I messed with some camera settings.
 This one includes the neighbor who was no doubt judging me for putting my baby in the snow.  "Don't worry, Mr. Neighbor!  It's all for the sake of her baby book."

 Jackson slowly moved from inside the garage, to juuuust outside of the garage, to all the way out by the snowman.  Baby steps with this kid.
 Once he realized he could pick up the snow and throw it, things got much more fun!

 And then there was a snowman.  I wish I would have known Bryan couldn't build a snowman before I married him.  I would still have married him but we could have talked about it in our pre-marraige counseling.  "Well, since you can't build a snow man, when the baby gets tired of being in a polar bear suit, you'll have to take her inside while I stay outside with our other baby to make a decent head for our snowman."  This conversation early in our relationship could have saved us a half hour on Tuesday.  Kidding, of course. :)
But look at it.  That's the tallest head I've seen!
 After I told Bryan that the snowman was terribly mis-proportioned, he knocked the head off and did some surgery.  Jackson is actually throwing a snow ball here but it looks like he's cheering for Bryan as he decapitates our snowman.  The saddest part of all...?
I didn't take a final picture.  Worst.  Photographer. Ever.


  1. I love the picture of the snowman being assaulted :)

    See you tonight!


  2. Why do you call your daughter charley when her name is Caroline? I would understand if her name was Charlotte, did I miss a post somewhere? Katie
