Jackson turned 2 and a half on January 9th. Since I'm not doing monthly updates for him anymore, I wanted to jot some stuff down here that I want to remember about him.
Jackson, at two and a half you:
- are talking all the time. Daddy and Mommy love listening to your sweet little voice and it's always fun to see what you're going to say.
- are SUCH a picky eater. You have a few things that you like and it's hard to get you to try anything else. For breakfast you like french toast, eggs, waffles (still FROZEN!), scrambled eggs, and cereal bars. For lunch and dinner you like macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly, pizza, chicken nuggets, and ravioli. You mostly like to snack on crackers and pretzels but you eat go-gurt, applesauce, fruit and veggie pouches, dried fruit, and apples and bananas.
- LOVE a routine. We have playdates every Tuesday morning, music on Wednesdays and you go to PDO on Thursdays. You do so much better when you have a predictable schedule.
- still love Baby Signing Time. You have close to ten videos and you know so much! We have gone far beyond the typical sign language knowledge of babies. You can sign the whole alphabet and know words like police officer and doctor.
- throw a huge fit when we leave the library because you don't want to let the librarian hold your book to check it out. Mommy has to pry it from your hands and you make a huge scene until you get it back.
- are obsessed with puzzles. You LOVE them. You have about 10 that you do all the time. You are still not able to do most jigsaw puzzles independently. You have a couple but you never want to play with them.
- love trains. You want to play trains all the time. You especially like Thomas the Tank Engine.
- don't take naps anymore. Bedtime and naptime are getting harder and harder because you fight it so much. You come out of your room again and again and Mommy just keeps taking you back in.
- take your shoes and socks off almost every time we're in the car. Many times Mommy doesn't even put your shoes on until we get to our destination.
- wear a size 2T and a size 4 diaper.
- are nowhere near potty trained. You don't care. At all. Mommy asks you every day if you want to sit on your potty and you always say no. You have pottied on it twice. But, you have also peed on the carpet twice when you got out of the bathtub. So, we have a loooong way to go. Come on, buddy. You can't go to kindergarten with diapers!
- play with Mommy's phone and know how to navigate through the whole thing. You can find videos on youTube, find music, and watch videos.
- have a few favorite TV shows. You like Mickey Mouse, Bubble Guppies, Thomas, and Sesamy Street.
- know how to throw a massive fit! You can make Mommy and Daddy so frustrated but then after you go to bed, Mommy and Daddy smile and talk about what a sweet boy you are.
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