Last weekend we took a much needed trip home to Kansas City. We hadn't been there since we told everyone I was pregnant in November! My mom had a jam packed weekend planned for us. We drove in on Friday and it took us 9 hours. In the car. With a toddler. And a newborn. And a DVD player. The DVD player saved the day and the trip wasn't terrible. Just long.
When we arrived we quickly changed into swim suits and splashed for a bit in the neighborhood pool. My dad was cooking ribs and we went home just in time to meet my brother and his new girlfriend Lindsey. I LOVE her! The ribs were delicious too! Thanks dad!
The next morning we met with my mom's side of the family for a picnic breakfast at the park. The food was made by my aunt and uncle on their camp stove and it was so good! Jackson was so well behaved and loved the bread (french toast)!

After breakfast we went home so Jackson could nap. It was a quick one at just 45 minutes. It's his usual nap length so I wasn't surprised. It gave us lots of time to get to the lake to see the fish. This is the lake we grew up on so it's always fun to go back. JJ loved feeding the fish.
We headed to the Alexanders for dinner and chatting after the lake. It was great to catch up and for Jackson to play with a friend! Thanks for the great evening, Miriam and Randy! Even though we were exhausted, we went home and put the kids to bed and then went to our friend John's house. He was in from Nebraska celebrating his 30th birthday so we couldn't miss the opportunity to say hello. Little did I know that Charley was going to wake up every hour that night. Oy! It was so fun to see him and his wife Ella after a long time. Happy birthday John!
Sunday morning we met up with Ashley and Brad and we got to meet their daughter Hadley. She's adorable! It was a quick visit because next on our agenda was my dad's side of the family. His brother and sister came over for lunch. We just hung out and caught up with them. It had been several years. Way too long!
At that point we were exhausted so we went for a quick dinner at Panera, had some frozen yogurt at Yogurtini and then headed home for bed after a quick stop at Walmart.
It was such a fun weekend but it really wore us out. Charley was doing so well with her sleep (going to bed at 9:30 and sleeping until 4) but now she's back to every 3 hours. We'll get there!
Thanks for a great weekend, Mom!
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