Well it's been two weeks since Jackson turned two but I think having a newborn at home is a reasonable excuse for tardiness. :) So, here is his last monthly update.

Jackson, at 24 months you:
- are a BIG BROTHER! You are such a good helper with Charley when you want to be. You like to shake her bottles and you try to feed her. Unfortunately, you also like to rock her carrier and bouncy seat really hard.
- are repeating almost every word we say. You can repeat the alphabet and numbers 1-10 but you don't say them independently yet.
- have started using a time out pad and you go there about three times a day. You watch the lights and wait for them to turn green so you can get up. You are so scared of the alarm that buzzes when you get up.
- smell like a little boy. You have some really stinky feet and you get so sweaty when you play outside, especially if you play in the trampoline.
- stopped going down slides at the park. You just stand at the bottom of them and say "slide."
- love to go to the pool. You really like to run around all over and then every once in a while you decide you want to get wet. You hate the spray areas for kids though. Once Mommy and Daddy can get you in the deep end you enjoy it but it takes a lot of convincing for you to go out there.
- are throwing some major tantrums. You have lots of ideas about what you want and are not happy when it doesn't go your way.
- love building towers with your blocks and Legos.
- read Hello, Truman several times a day. We have to read it every night before bed and before naps. We also read it several other times throughout the day.
- have made the last two years amazing!
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