When he woke up, we hopped in the car and headed to the park! We pulled in, I put my keys in the diaper bag next to me and went to get JJ out of his carseat. His door was locked. In the Sienna and the Rav, if you open the driver side door after all the doors are locked, it automatically unlocks the driver side door. I was driving the Corolla though because the van is being repaired after the lady backed into it! I wasn't worried when his door was locked. I just went around to unlock all the doors with the driver side door. IT WAS LOCKED TOO!!! I had just locked my keys and my baby in a hot, turned-off car. I went around and checked every door and started to panic. I didn't have my phone because it was in the diaper bag too!
Luckily there was a mom at the pavillion close by so I used her phone to call 911. Because there was a baby in the car, they were able to help instead of waiting for AAA to arrive. I was crying and Jackson was screaming and flailing. He didn't understand why I wouldn't get him out of the hot car. The saddest part is that he knew we were at a park so he kept screaming, "Mommy! Play!" It tore my heart into a million pieces. It took two police officers about ten minutes to get into the car and I snatched him up as fast as I could. He had some cold juice to cool off and calm down. It was clear I was more traumatized by the event than he was!
After that fun ordeal, it was finally time for the splash park. Well, he hated it. He cried every time he got wet and mostly wanted to hang out by the gate. I did get a few pictures but this was a close as he would get to the water!
Jacob and Jackson hugging.
Jacob sharing his hat with Jackson. Jackson wasn't interested.
We only stayed in the splash park about 10 minutes before the boys were begging to go play on the regular playground. They had a great time there and perhaps we'll try the splash park another day!
I was really thinking the events of the day might put me into labor!
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