Jackson, at 21 months you:
- are talking so much more. You love to say bye bye to everything when you are done playing with it. You even say bye to the van when we get out of it.
- love your friend Macy. You often say "Macy?" when we go anywhere because you are hoping she is there.
- still love Baby Signing Time. You know all the songs and are starting to sign the words as she says them in the song. You love it and are getting so good!
- are eating better! You use your fork and spoon fairly well and only turn your plate upside down every once in a while.
- try to jump but can't figure ou how to get both feet off the ground at the same time.
- love opposites. Your favorite is to say "Go!" while you are in the shopping cart and then say "Stop!" so mommy will stop the cart. You laugh so hard!
- are figuring out how to prolong bedtime. You like to look at several books before you bring one to mommy because you know mommy just reads one before bed. You are getting sneaky.
- throw some pretty big tantrums. If you don't get your way, you roll around on the floor screaming. Usually mommy just walks away and you stop.
- love to sqeal really loud in the front of the grocery cart or at restaurants. You know you aren't supposed to do that so you laugh so much.
- can say so many words now. Some words we wouldn't understand if you didn't sign them as well. You say every word as you sign it except "eat" and "pajamas." You can sign/say: Mom, Dad, dog, cat, sister, brother, nose, mouth, eyes, hair, elbow, toes, belly, belly button, shirt, coat, socks, shoes, hat, diaper, potty, thank you, more, please, up, down, drink, water, juice, milk, cup, cracker, cheese, peaches, pear, apple, banana, yogurt, applesauce, car, bus, boat, airplane, bike, horse, cow, fish, bear, bird, puzzle, bath, brush teeth, pajamas, sleep, cry, laugh, sad, happy, feel, hot, cold, up, down, stop, go, day, night, again, sun, cloud, grass, tree, leaf, outside, wind, star, sky, flower, color, book, ball, doll, baby, train, pizza, cookie, oval, circle, heart, balloon, bubbles, hurt, new, sit, run, kick, uh oh, help me, I don't know, and Mickey Mouse.
- call Claire "Caw" and Lily "YeeYee."
- say "down baby" instead of "down please" when we ask you if you want to get down. We can't figure out why you do this!
- do the Hot Dog Dance from Mickey Mouse. You love to have an audience for this!
We love you so much little man!
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