Saturday, January 14, 2012

18 Months

Jackson, at 18 months you:
  • weigh 25 pounds(39%), are 33.5 inches tall(70%) and have a head circumference of 19.5 inches(90%).
  • finished your second session of music.  You love every minute of music class and will be so excited when you start the next session.
  • are OBSESSED with Baby Signing Time DVDs.  You come downstairs in the morning and start signing "baby" and begging for it.   We have to tell you no a lot because you would watch it all day long if you could.
  • are really starting to talk more.  At this point you can say: up, down, cold, hot, out, mama, dada, mimi, nana, papa, bawbaw, bye bye, uh oh, all done, sit, no, more, water, baby, ball, oh no, hat, night night, pretty,cracker, cookie and hug.
  • are signing many words.  You can sign: more, please, thank you, hat, car, bus, milk, all done, again, cracker, cookie, wash hands, eat, water, shoes, socks, and coat.
  • are getting better at sitting still for books.  Your favorite book right now is Barnyard Dance and you clap and bounce when we start reading it.
  • play with Claire more.  You like to tell her to sit and then throw her ball.  You also get really upset when she won't give you the ball she is playing with.
  • are a VERY PICKY eater.  You would eat crackers all day long if we let you.  You used to be better about eating fruits but now you don't eat those very often either.  You always throw your food on the floor and then Claire eats it.

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