We have a really cool children's museum right in Naperville and we were able to check it out on Tuesday morning. It was awesome! We got there right when it opened which was perfect because it wasn't crowded at all until the very end.
What kid wouldn't love this?
Silly boy in his smock.
Fun with the camera in the bubble area.
That Addison behind the bubble. Jackson didn't want to touch the water in the big water table at first. Then we came here and he was splashing like crazy...in the soapy water. 
Sheer joy.
More fun with the camera.
The three babies who are all grown up. *tear*
I LOVE this picture. He's so serious.
He loved playing on the stairs which were not part of the designated exploration areas. Oh well. He liked it so I let him. He only had one shoe for a majority of the morning. It fell off shortly after we arrived and he couldn't be bothered to stop and put it on again.
In the big wind tunnel.
Look at that adorable 79% head!
Jackson liked to throw all the balls out of the ball pit. Renee was nice enough to put them all back in for him and luckily he lost interest quickly.
This sticks were for building but Jackson turned it into his music adventure by using them as drumsticks and banging them on the table and innocent passers-by! Oops.
Before we left he spent a lot of time in this mirrored tunnel.
He played hard for a couple hours. I was excited when we got home because he didn't fall asleep in the car so I was hoping for a stellar nap. He slept for 18 minutes. Definitely not stellar. Then today he went down for his nap at noon and we had an appointment at Toyota at 2. He was still sleeping at 1:15 so I called and moved our appointment back 45 minutes. I had to wake him up at 2 after a 2 hour nap. Little stinker.
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