On Friday we spent the day hanging out with Gma. We went to Smokehouse and Jackson had his first Saltine cracker. It kept him quiet!
The next day he was feeling much worse. Poor guy. We tried to take him to a take care clinic thinking he had an ear infection. We couldn't get in anywhere so we went to Urgent Care. Apparently you have to be over 2 to be seen there. He was uncomfortable but we decided he didn't need a trip to the ER. We headed home on Sunday but had to stop at the ER in St. Louis because he was wheezing. He was diagnosed with RSV and we were on our way with instructions to get to the pediatrician as soon as possible on Monday.
We checked in on Monday with Dr. Liberty and we got this fun nebulizer for some breathing treatments. He recovered quickly and was back to his normal happy self within a couple days.
Even on his best days he still has some sad moments-getting stuck under the entertainment center, for example. This boy is soooooo close to crawling. I am cherishing the last few days of limited mobility. I know my life will be totally different once he can move!
aw, poor little guy! i hope he fully recovers soon!