Christmas was in Kansas City this year. We were able to go a week early and Bryan worked in the KC office Monday through Wednesday. It was great to be able to see friends and family while we were in town. We saw my whole family, and friends Julie (and her momma), Shawn and Carrie and Marianne and Garrett.
On Tuesday night the Alexanders came over for stew and Jackson and Teagen were able to "play" together. Teagen is 12 days younger than Jackson.

On Chrismas Eve, everyone came to our house for presents. Here is all of Jackson's first Christmas gifts.

And this is my favorite picture, I think. I forgot he was sitting below me and and he toppled right over. I was just too focused on the presents. Luckily, Bryan had quick refexes and captured it on film, er, whatever it is now that we don't use film. He was across the room so he couldn't have caught him if he tried.

These are JJ's second cousins, Bailey and Cole.

Aunt Robin and Uncle John

Great Grandma and Grandpa (Gma and Gpa)

Here are our Christmas pajamas.

Jackson really couldn't have cared less about his stocking. But here's what Santa left anyway.

On Christmas we went to my Aunt Linda's house. This is our Christmas family picture.

The whole week proved to be too much for JJ. He was zonked. And got sick shortly afterwords. He was coughing and stuffy the whole way home.

We were back in Aurora for a few days before we headed to Ohio. Actually, we got home at midnight and then had to shovel 8 inches of snow out of our driveway so Bryan could go to work in the morning and the furniture delivery people could get in the driveway. It was a crazy busy several days as we had to treat Claire and Lily for fleas, flea bomb the house and then clean everything, I had a weird stomach bug and then we had to pack for Ohio. It was crazy.
Friday morning we got up at 6 and left for Columbus for the Pancake Breakfast. We stayed at Lee and Lea's and really enjoyed being with the Quad to ring in the new year. Jackson especially liked playing with Steven's toys.

Uncle Jeremy was taught the best way to suck on your fingers.

Uncle Dan is a pediatrician. He gave Jackson his bedtime bottle. I really can't believe both Steven and Jackson slept through the craziness that night. Well, slept through until 4am. He was up and ready for the day at 5:30. Ugh.

We left Columbus the next day and headed to Cincinnati for "Christmas." Upon arrival, we played for a bit, JJ napped and then the we opened presents.

Jackson enjoyed showing off his sitting up skills.

Grandpa spent a lot of time on the floor playing with his grandson.

They read stories together too.

Before bed, Bryan read Carl's Christmas to Jackson. It's a book with pictures only that allows the "reader" to tell the story based on the pictures. I can't wait until Jackson is old enough to make up his own story.

We travelled over 1,700 miles over the holiday and are really glad to be home for a while!
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