I apologize for being so bad at updates. I have been in some weird time warp since Jackson was born. Maybe it's the sleepless nights! Here is a little of what we've been up to.
Dan, one of the Quad members is getting married. He's marrying another Quad guy's younger sister. They are perfect together! Bryan went to Indianapolis for Dan's bachelor party a couple weekends ago. While it was tough for me to be home alone with Jackson, I was so happy Bryan was able to go. They guys had a great time.
They went to a couple bars

and played golf

and stayed in this house. It is another Vacation Rental By Owner deal that Jeremy found. It's all fixed up on the inside.


All the Quad members.

I was also a mean momma recently and made Jackson take some pictures. He loved it as evidence by this first picture. We were just having too much fun. He hated it less once I gave him his paci. I think his hair looks red in these pictures.
Yes, his hair looks auburn. You know his eyes look like a deep blue, they might change yet. He sure is getting big. Grams