36 Week Survey
How Far Along: 36 weeks and 5 days
Total Weight Gain: 22 pounds
Sleep: I've just started to have trouble sleeping. I'm not uncomfortable really, (I've gotten used to sleeping with the body pillow wedged next to me) I just wake up and can't go back to sleep.
Food Cravings: I am finding myself wanting salty and sweet in the same sitting. Bad News. Might explain the double weight gain at last week's appointment. Oops.
Movement: He likes to stretch out when Bryan gets home. He's peaceful all day and dances all night.
Gender: Still Boy...I hope
Labor Signs: I don't really feel anything different but I am 1 cm dilated, 25% effaced, and -1 station
Belly Button In or Out: Flat
What I Miss: I have to admit I am ready for a beer.
What I am Looking Forward To: My parents are coming on June 30th. I hope he comes right after that!
And here are some pictures. The face is getting puffy. Ick.
so excited for you guys! and leslie, you still look beautiful...puffy works on you ;). can't wait to see pictures of jackson!