After our trip to Florida, Bryan worked for three days in Chicago and on Christmas Eve we headed to Cincinnati with Claire in tow. Christmas was so laid back and relaxing. Bryan bought tickets for Dick and him to go to the Bengals/Broncos game. Luckily Bryan packed a lot of extra warm clothes because it was a COLD game.

Bryan and I tried to help Dick and Sharon clear our the basement by bringing home the ping pong table. Unfortunately, after a poorly installed trailer hitch that had us stranded on our way home from Cincinnati, the ping pong table ended up back it their garage. Maybe next time.

This was supposed to be our Christmas picture. We wanted to wait until we could send something out about our new baby, but, as these things work, we still haven't done it. Oops.

New Year's Eve was a heavenly night because I got to hold this sweet baby again. This is Steven, Lee and Lea's baby. He is six weeks old and absolutely amazing!

Just look at that sweetness. Before he had a name he was called Quad Baybeh.

Bryan was enjoying a night with friends as well.

The trip was very relaxing until the trip home. Along with the transportation fun, there was another shocking realization. Bryan didn't work all week and we were sleeping about 10 hours each night. Bryan pointed out the fact that we probably wouldn't sleep that much again for the next 15 years! Scary!
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