Bryan and I always thought that good photographers were just that. Good. Which they are. But today we found out that having a good camera helps a little too. We were using a Sony Cybershot which was fine but we had definitely outgrown it, which anyone over the age of 12 is likely to do. So, with a trip to the Olympics coming up and a new baby on the way...holy cow....we decided it was time to upgrade. And upgrade we did. Not knowing anything about our new Canon XS SLR we played in the backyard and the kitchen and got some fun shots.
They are of the animals again, because that's the most exciting thing around here....for now.
I love, love, love this one.

Lily was not impressed. It's looks like these that make people not like cats.

Claire had been dining in the snow. You've got a little somthin' on your face, girl.

Claire turned into a fox for a very short time. Our new camera can take 3 frames per second.

Awwww. Good thing she can look like this. It almost makes me forget about how she digs in the backyard and tracks mud through a freshly vaccuumed house.

This is more like her. She loves to run.

More pictures are sure to come!