Well, Jackson turned four in July and I don't think I ever did a post for him. Here are some recent photos and a list of his favorites from August.
You are momma's passionate boy. You know just what you want and will go after it! While I struggle to deal with your strong will and stubborn personality, I am certain you will use them as strengths in your future.
You are a musical boy and quite theatrical. You love to dance and sing in the mirror and especially love to sign. I keep thinking you will lose interest but I often find you signing the whole alphabet in selfies on your phone. It looks like that passion is here to stay.
Your teachers love you and always tell Mommy how smart you are. You can count to 100, do simple addition, and can recognize many sight words. You can even write the color words and most days of the week independently. You are quite studious.
You are terrified of loud noises. Taking you to a sporting event ends in disaster every time. You spend half of a parade with your ears covered and sometimes even a restaurant can be too loud for you.
You say so many cute and funny things. Momma's favorite is "lasteryear" which you apply to anything in the past. Although you'll be embarrassed by this as a teen, I know you'll appreciate the humor as an adult. So, your most recent funny saying was this as we were driving in the car:
Jackson: Mommy, do you know what I'm feeling?
Mommy: No Jackson, what are you feeling? (I thought we were about to have a good conversation)
Jackson: It's my penis. I'm feeling my penis right now.
Thanks for always keeping us laughing.
We love you!