It's been a crazy couple weeks. Which I can only assume is our new normal since we're 9 or 10 weeks in to school and it hasn't let up any. There are so many great moments sprinkled in that I want to remember.
Charley's naps have been all over the place. Kind of like her rolls. I hope these rolls stay around a long time!
Last weekend I decided to try making homemade soft pretzels. (Not worth it!). Jackson "helped" and had a blast.
Tuesday was my birthday so Meredith and Kyle came over to watch the kids and Bryan and I went to the Melting Pot! Sooo Goooood!
I just had to share this unfortunate sign that I passed on the way to work. It's been 4 days and the sign still reads Colon Cafe! 💩
Charley was so hungry at lunch today. We'll work in manners later.
I prepped dinner for tomorrow night and Charley helped by reorganizing the pots and pans.,
Jackson has been obsessed with writing lately. We would have sworn he was going to be a leftie but he's been writing with his right hand a lot too. He's getting great at it!
He can even kind of write his name! With an additional E and F, just for fun.
The kids have really adjusted to day care well. We had two weeks with healthy kids and it was glorious. Judging by the number of runny noses and coughs at drop-off pick up, I'd say another round of colds is juuuuust around the corner. Cheers to more Tylenol, albuterol, and sleepless nights!