Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Caroline Jane~Eleven Months

Our computer crashed last week.  Like won't turn on at all and needed a new motherboard crashed.  So, we had to get a new computer.  It was a super busy week which went straight into a weekend in Ohio so blogging has been difficult.  We got our new computer over the weekend in Ohio so I can finally  post Charley's eleven month photos.
Caroline Jane, at eleven months you:
  • are starting to "talk" much more.  You copy Mommy's sounds sometimes but it's not always consistent.
  • love to clap and wave.  You learned to clap just before you turned eleven months and you do it all the time.  It's the sweetest.
  • eat everything imaginable.  You even eat olives!  So far you haven't met a food you didn't like.
  • take 4 bottles a day.  Each one is 6oz but you don't always finish it.
  • can get yourself from sitting to laying fairly smoothly now.  You are STILL not crawling and Mommy really wishes you would so she can stop worrying.  You push up on your hands and knees and rock but when you really want to move, you lay down and roll there.  Silly, silly girl.
  • take 2 naps a day that are about 1.5 hours each. 
  • are starting to resist bedtime.  You used to go down so easily.  Now you cry and cry if you aren't asleep when we put you in.   Mommy is so torn because you used to do this so well.  It's been a couple weeks like this and there hasn't been much improvement.  You get so sad and Mommy can't stand to hear you cry.
  • are still the most laid back, easy baby!
We love you, Charley Jane!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Picture Overload

I've been pretty bummed lately because I had a couple job interviews last week but they ended up picking someone else.  I keep feeling like I'll never be able to get a job if that one was right there and I didn't get it but I'm trying to keep my hopes up.  Blah.  We have had some really great days though so that is making it easier.  The kids have been exceptionally cute lately.
Our goal this summer is to try a new park each week.  It's kind of a fun mission.
 Our moms group went to Cosley Zoo last week and Jackson was exceptionally tied to Jacob.  They are great buds.
 One great thing about the job interview is that as I was driving home after the final interview, I saw this for free in a driveway close to the school.  Jackson enjoyed giving his easel a bath.  Now he goes into the driveway and tells me he wants to take a bath. :)
 And this sweet girl is just as cute as ever.  Still not crawling which makes Momma nervous!
 She does know how to eat though.  I still haven't given her a food she won't eat. 
 Jackson took a spill in a puddle in the Meijer parking lot.  He was pretty upset after he had to get a new change of clothes and was looking forward to the balloons that were in the car from our trip to the gym.  As soon as he opened the door, the balloons flew away.  Poor guy was really sad.
 As much as I'd like Charley to crawl, it is pretty nice to still be able to put her on a blanket and leave her there.

 Jackson was really interested in picking out the flowers for our pot and he helped plant them for about .6 seconds.  He calls this "his pot."
On our way to small group on Friday night, I caught this.  This will be saved for future graduation slideshows, for sure!

 It was my night for childcare for our group so I spent the evening hanging out downstairs with these lovelies.  They are such fun!  Jackson loves playing with Jacob and Emma.  And we're all patiently waiting for Emma's brother, Bennett, to make his entrance into the world.  It could be any day now!
 Saturday was Meredith's wedding shower at Meson Sabika.  It was so, so yummy and a lot of fun.  The wedding is one month from today and I am SO exciting and loving that my parents are coming in to watch the kids for us.  That also means Charley's party is one month away and I have done nothing for it.  Ooops.
 I love going to peek in on Charley during her naps.  She always has the best sleeping poses and I just want to squish her little rolls.
 Sunday, Bryan did Tough Mudder with his friend, Clayton.  It is a 12 mile course with 22 obstacles.  The obstacles are intense too.  One involves jumping into a dumpster of ice water, going all the way under and climbing out the other side.  Another obstacle, and Bryan's other nemesis was called Electroshock Therapy.  It's live wires hanging down that you have to run through...while you're wet and running through water.  As soon as he stepped into the water he was shocked so bad that he fell face first in the mud and lost his glasses.  He says he doesn't remember any of what happened to him.  That sounds healthy, right?  I knew when they had to sign these death waivers that I would be really happy to have him home!
 Blogger keeps squishing this picture and I'm not sure why.  This is the After photo.  He's been pretty sore and his legs are really cut up.  It was good to check it off his bucket list but he has no interest in doing it again.
 Our living room looks like this quite often. 
 And one more of my sweet sleeper with the chunkiest of all thighs.  Love!

Tomorrow Charley turns 11 months old.  Ahhhhhh!

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Couple Great Weekends

We have had a couple really great weekends lately!  Bryan's been really busy but he is able to spend the weekends having fun so that makes it better!  Last weekend was Cinco de Mayo.  Saturday was pretty eventful when Jackson ate a Zofran tablet.  I frantically called poison control and they said he might be a little drowsy but that's it.  Whew!  That night we had an early Cinco de Mayo dinner at Rito's by our house.  My margarita was STRONG!  But so, so good.
It was loud in there which is exactly what we look for when dining with the kids.
I love this picture.  Poor thing was so tired.
Sunday we went to church and then I took Jackson to his friend Morgan's birthday party and Bryan took Charley to lunch and then home.  I had a great time out with just my oldest buddy and he loved it too.
Mostly because Macy's daddy is the best wagon puller.  We were joking that we wanted to hire him for our kids' parties.
After the party I took JJ to downtown Naperville to get his annual pair of Keens.  He looked pretty stylish until he started picking his nose.  
Bubbles in the bathtub was the perfect end to our weekend.
This past weekend we had Dan and Charis staying with us.  It was so, so fun and I did a terrible job documenting it with photos.  They headed home and Sunday and after church we tried out Santa's Village.  It's been around forever and that's pretty obvious but we had so much fun!
The weather definitely felt more like Christmas than spring.  It's called an aZOOsement park because there are kiddie rides and a petting zoo!  The perfect combination for Jackson.  Charley loved it too.  She even got to ride on the jet ride with Mommy!

Most of the time she chilled in the stroller.

Jackson was obsessed with this princess.  He looked for her wherever we went.

As we were walking out, Bryan and I were talking about how awesome it is to be Jackson.  His life is one fun thing after another.
The kids slept on the way home so we decided to stop at Trader Joes so I could run in and get some groceries for the week while Bryan stayed in the car with sleeping kids.  By the time I came out, both kids were crying and Jackson had cried so hard he threw up all over himself.  So glad I was getting groceries and not the one who had to take care of that!  Thanks, Bryan!!!
The great thing is that more great weekends are ahead!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Caroline Jane ~ Ten Months

Oh baby girl.  I can hardly stand how close you are getting to ONE year old.  I just want to bottle you up just like you are, Sweet Face.

Caroline Jane, at ten months you:
  • are finally starting to babble some.  You held off for a while but now you say bababa, dadada, mamama, gagaga, kakaka.  No words yet but we're working on it!
  • wave when someone says "hi" to you.
  • are so in love with your brother.  He loves to make you laugh and you just start giggling so hard.  He gets right in your face and you just smile at him.
  • wear mostly 12 month clothes and wear 18 month sleepers.
  • are in a size 4 diaper. 
  • have the littlest feet for being a big baby.  You are still in size 2 but are getting close to size 3.
  • continue to be an amazing sleeper.  It's still 12 hours every night and your naps are becoming more regular too.  Usually you take a morning and afternoon nap that are each about an hour and a half.  Thank you sweet girl.
  • eat everything.  Mommy rarely gives you purees anymore because you just want real food.  For the most part, you eat what we're eating.  Mommy can just pour some mixed veggies right out of the can and you gobble it up.  You love yogurt too!
  • are starting to really love music class.  When we sing the welcome song you just bounce and smile through the whole thing.
  • are still not crawling but you are certainly trying.  You push your bottom in the air and rock back and forth.  You still use rolling and pivoting to get where you want to go.  We are working on going from a sitting position to lying down and vice versa.
  • are getting really long hair.  Mommy can put it in a little ponytail with a bow.  It makes you look so grown up though.
  • continue to be the easiest baby ever.  We get so many comments about how laid back you are!
Keep being you, Charley Jane.
Some sweet curls.
These two pictures really capture their relationship.  She is either hysterical from Jackson's shenanigans or she's staring at him mesmerized by her big brother.  Love.

She's getting so big.  EEEEEKKK!!!!!!