Jackson, at 16 months old you:
- are running everywhere! You run all over the house and you like to carry things with you.
- love to play with Claire. You throw the ball for her and she runs to get it. You belly laugh like it's the best thing that's ever happened to you.
- enjoy reading books. You always bring books over to mommy and daddy to read to you or you just sit by yourself and flip through the pages.
- are still a very picky eater. You will always eat yogurt, waffles, cereal bars, bananas, and grilled cheese. That's about all you will always eat. We always offer you other food but you usually throw it over your high chair for Claire.
- have really started using sign language. You can sign for more, please, milk, cracker, all done, and thank you.
- are using more and more words. Some of the words are still hard to understand but we can tell that you are saying them. You can say up, hot, hat, mama, dada, nana, baw baw, Claire (caw), all gone, more, uh oh, brrrr, ball, thank you, apple and night night.
- make lots of animal sounds. You can make the sounds for cat, elephant, tiger, bear, lion, and cow.
- love to stack your toys. You can some blocks that you stack up but you will stack anything you can find!
- have just started cleaning up your toys. You will put your toys in the baskets and then clap for yourself.
- are giving kisses and it's the sweetest thing ever!