Monday morning brought the bad news that Dick had had a stroke. We drove to Cincinnati and were there by early evening. On Monday night he was really weak on his left side and was having trouble with his speech, only able to say a couple words at a time.
Tuesday morning brought many improvements in speech. He was able to say full sentences but slowly and it took a lot of focus.
Wednesday was even better! His physical strength was improving as well.
Today, he worked really hard. He had back to back visitors, OT, PT, ST, a social work consult, a rehab nurse evaluation, and doctor visits. He was so ready for a nap after all of that! We are waiting to hear about insurance and getting some things in order with his new chemo drug. The great news is that the drug he was going to take in the study was approved by the FDA over the weekend so his oncologist can presribe it for him here. There are lots of logistics that are being worked out regarding that.
Sharon is staying with him at the hospital at night though Bryan did take the overnight shift last night.
Dick is still impressing everyone with his determination. He was working on speech therapy and she asked him to name some animals. He said "dog, cat, cow, horse, hip....po...pot...a...mus!"
The therapist just laughed and I said "That's why we love him!"
Keep working hard and getting better Grandpa! We love you!