Can anyone (who wasn't at the farm) tell me what is wrong with this picture?
This is everyone on the hayride.
After the hayride we arrived back at the farm in the dark. Bryan and I set up our tent and then ran down to the horses for a quick ride. Unfortunately there are no pictures which is probably for the best because I didn't really know what I was doing on Poco. On the way back from the horses, we stopped to shot a potato gun. It's a really safe (actually, not at all) device that you push a potato into, spray one chamber with aerosol hair spray, and then push the trigger that makes a spark that ignites the hair spray and sends the potato flying.
Many people were trying to knock over a pyramid of cans. How many cowboys does it take to do that?
Apparently five is the answer!
When it was waaayyyy past my bedtime, we went on a night hike. Our journey took us through some cornfields where Mere and I stopped to pick some. We didn't think anyone would notice if two ears were missing. Corn is cool for city girls. We were excited.
When the sun was (much) closer to rising than it was to setting we decided to cash in our chips and go to bed. Just one year away from the Third Annual Steeple Run Farm Festival!