Wednesday, May 28, 2014


If you really, really want something
and you beg your mommy to let you hold the bubble wand
and you concentrate reeeeeeeeaaally hard,
if you're lucky......
you just might blow a bubble!

SO much bubble soap was consumed but so many smiles and giggles were given!  She was pretty sweet for ear infection four since February!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Fun

There are some weekends when Bryan and I climb into bed on Sunday night and high five after a great weekend.  The perfect balance of productivity, relaxation, fun, good food, and minimal tantrums.  This weekend was one of those weekends!
Friday, I picked Jackson up from school and he looked pitiful.  He had giant tears in his eyes and told me he couldn't eat his cookie because his throat hurt.  Poor boy.  Luckily, it didn't last long and he was fine the rest of the weekend.  Saturday morning I ran a 5k with my way faster than me friend Amber.  She hung back with me for a couple miles and then she took off.  I wasn't really feeling it so by mile 4 I was walking a bit.  I think I officially broke up with running during that "race."  I was SO slow.  It's done though.  And then the rest of the weekend could go on. 
 Bryan brought the kids to watch.  I like bringing them to as many races as possible because it shows them how important and fun an active lifestyle is.
 The great thing about running slower than 98% of the people in the race was that I finished almost alone and the kids could run with me!  Jackson was so excited after we crossed the finish line and he yelled, "We won the race!!!"
 Then he gave me the flowers that he picked.  I tried "setting them down in a special place" but he totally called me on it as I walked away so to the van they went!
 Saturday night we called a last minute sitter and went to one of our favorite date spots for dinner.  We love White Chocolate Grill and we were home by the kids' bedtime. 
Sunday we went to church and then to Golden Corral for breakfast.  Bryan makes fun of me because I love it so much.  You can't take the Missouri out of the girl......
After nap time we headed to the carnival by our mall.  It's there around Mother's Day and since we went last year too, we went ahead and called it our tradition. Jackson was excited for the rides.  His face on this slide kills me!
 Here's Momma with her babies who are getting way too big.
 Really, Jackson loved every ride.  This truck ride was his favorite.
 Charley was sad she wasn't tall enough to ride.  She kept saying "car?'  Poor girl.
 She liked the carousel but was sad that Jackson wasn't on it.  She just waited to go by him every time it went around.  She would should out his name and he'd wave.  She calls him Shacksee and I'm loving it.
 A great smile. :)  He hasn't stopped talking about how much fun he had at the "varnicle."
 And then there's this.  Ha!  We cheated on the height requirements because she was so sad.  Despite the faces, she really did like it.
 I can't believe I've been a mom for 3 years already.  What a blessing!
We're looking forward to more great weekends coming up!