Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Caroline Jane~Twenty Two Months

Caroline Jane, at twenty two months you:
  • have officially moved to the Toddler room at school.  For a while you were going back and forth between the classes but you're always there now!
  • LOVE playing outside.  You stand at the back door and say "ah-side" over an over.  You love the slide and to play tee ball.
  • have moved to the Explorer room at church.  The sweet ladies in the nursery were so great that mommy didn't want to move you but you do well in your new room.
  • have developed quite the personality.  You say no often and make it very clear when you don't want to do something.  You are starting to tell Mommy you don't want to go to bed but you always fall asleep right away.
  • have had your fifth ear infection since September.  The pediatrician is waiting for one more before you turn two before we get evaluated for tubes.  Mommy wants them!
  •  are very attached to your dolly, lovie, and paci ("bossy".)  You whine and moan when someone takes one from you in the morning.
  • have become very interested in books.  You like reading them independently and you gibber jabber while you read them just like you are actually reading the words.
Just one more update before you're TWO!!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

We had a great Easter weekend with Mimi!  This year we decided to skip the Naperville Egg Hunt which is always super overwhelming and just do the Oswego one.  This time we invited several friends to go with us!  The kids had a good time.  Charley was a little unsure of the Easter Bunny but Jackson was in heaven.
 They do a new hunt every 30 minutes all day which makes it much more relaxing and the kids can take their time.  Inside are small games for the kids to play.
 Jackson knew just what to do but this was Charley's first time.  Here we caught the egg flying OUT of Charley's basket.  We put some in her basket and she threw them out.
 It took a lot of adult supervision for her to end with any eggs in her basket.
 Our friends all enjoyed the hunt too and then we went back to our house to grill hamburgers on our new grill.
 JJ had a massive tantrum on the way home and then Charley was screaming too so both kids went to their rooms when we got back to the house.  It was only 10:30 so we Charley fell asleep almost immediately I figured we were in trouble for nap time.  But..she slept for FOUR hours and missed the whole party!  The kids had fun finding even more eggs.
 After a big rest time we headed to the Outlet mall to pick up a couple things and enjoy the amazing weather.  We stopped soon before we left for a small snack.
 And then he crashed on the way home.  We went for pizza after the mall and he laid on the floor for about ten minutes because he was so tired.  I was slightly worried he was getting sick but as soon the pizza came he pepped up again!
 And of course he had plenty of energy left for ice cream.  What a "helper!"
 Charley is getting so independent.  She sat her forever eating her ice cream and she wouldn't accept help until the end.
 This morning we got up to see the Easter Bunny baskets and then headed to headed to church.  I wasn't thinking when I put him in Christmas pajamas.  We're really festive.
 Charley loved her new swim suit cover up from Mimi.  She wore it all morning and even left it on to eat her cereal.  She has been loving this rocking chair lately!
 Those bangs...  I reeeaaallly don't want to cut them but they are always in her face until I get pull her hair into a ponytail.  She says "mess" and tries to push it out of her eyes.  I'm hoping it will get easier to deal with when it's long enough to tuck behind her ear.

 Tripod and self timer!  This was the first photo and they kept getting worse and worse.
 We tried a new way of dying eggs but we'll be going back to the old way next year.  The color on these didn't stick well.

 It was incredible outside today and we played in the backyard for two hours and grilled dinner too.  It was a great weekend!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Caroline Jane ~ Twenty One Months

Let's just pretend that Charley juuuuust turned 21 months old instead of focusing on the fact that she'll be 22 months in 12 days.   Ooops.

There are just a couple more of these updates to do.  I can't believe my baby is almost two and that I have done monthly updates for the kids for 4 years! 

Caroline Jane, at twenty one months you:
  • weigh 28 pounds.  Mommy took you to the doctor before our trip for Spring Break and she was shocked that you had gained a couple pounds.
  • are still mostly wearing 2T clothes but a couple things are starting to fit you at 3T.
  • are walking everywhere.  You haven't crawled in so long.  You are getting better at walking on mulch too.  The first trip to the park was hard for you because you kept falling and your hands were dirty but you kept trying.
  • love going down slides.  You call them "sides."  Mommy still has to help a lot though because you lay down almost completely flat.  It's another sign that we still have a lot of strength building to do.
  • are spending more time in the toddler room at school.  You are kind of split between the two rooms. 
  • are talking so well.  You are even starting to put a couple words together.  It's still pretty mumbled a lot but it's getting better and better.
  • love singing Gonk Gonk and Itsy Bitsy Spider.
  • ask to take a bath ("bats") every night.  You love splashing in the water with Jackson but you aren't a fan of getting your hair washed.
  • are still sleeping and napping like a rock star!

We love you so, so much baby girl.  You are growing up so fast and we're so proud of you.